

Food & Drink


▶ ️ Application available in Spanish🍏As its name indicates, Frutotherapy is a therapeutic technique based on the study of the nutritional and medicinal substances of the fruits of the earth: proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements, etc., which help metabolize sugars, lipids and proteins, in addition to acting on organs affected by diseases. Learn everything about Frutoterapia thanks to this app.🍊 Fruit therapy; Etymologically the word fruit comes from the Latin "Frutus"; and therapy, comes from the Greek "therapia", which is attributed properties of: "caring for or taking care of oneself through habits that include food, the sun, the sea, exercise, nature and others"🍎 Pears, apples, strawberries, bananas, watermelons, discover the secrets of these fruits and many more.